Advaita - non-duality.
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A life of searching for meaning, and ending in a small country town in Western Australia, leading, through Advaita, to understanding and self-realization. See also my website at
Feel free to view my web site at but you might have to re-type this address as it's not linked automatically.
To every cause there is an effect, or as Newton stated in his third law of motion "action and reaction are equal and opposite".
Man doesn't live 'in' the environment as in 'man and his environment'. He is part of the environment and continuous with it. We are permantly surrounded with air and can't live without it. The gases are around us, in the lungs and in the blood stream and become part of the body. Water is outside and inside, making up most of the body and in a constant exchange. Food is taken in, digested and becoming part of the body or being discarded as waste. White blood cells are replaced about every eighty eight days, red cells about every one hundred and six days while bone is completely replaced every eleven years. This body is not the one that existed a dozen years ago - every part of it has changed.
It is easy for the mind to imagine that self realization is a sort of ultimate understanding. A paradise gained which, once found provides a perfect emotional experience - like being forever blissful. There are several easily made mistakes here and one is the desire for bliss as an escape from daily life. In the world of duality we experience a wide range of emotion from depression to elation. For many people who are unhappy in their daily lives the idea of bliss is very appealing. But bliss is just a pendulum swing away from misery.
Life is not black & white and so can't be pigeon holed, even though the mind and society tries to. What is real and what is unreal? What is an illusion?