Thursday, June 02, 2011

On television this morning there was an article with a photograph of a piece of toast that was burnt with a very slight similarity to the face of Osama Bin laden, who was killed just a few weeks ago.  This piece of toast was held up as some kind mystery, why the face.

Clearly, to me, this was just a piece of burnt toast with a face-like image in the burns.

The mind is always refering to memory to try to make sense of images we see in our every day life and the burns were in some way similar to pictures we have seen on tv over the past few years.  This was one reference the memory had come up with.

There is no mystery, it's simply a piece of toast.  But, to people still caught up in the illusion of self they are still heavily influenced by beliefs.  Questions arise in the mind as to what this piece of toast could signify.  Unfortunately these beliefs are taken to be truths and when it comes to religions these same poeple compare their beliefs and will even kill to maintain these beliefs and to try to prove that their beliefs are better than the next person's.

Since that day when I realised my true nature life has become incredibly simple.  Things are seen for what they are.  There are no hidden meanings.  But until then there seems to be hidden meanings in lots of things - events of the day, chance meetings, conspracies.  Did man really go to the moon, is the world flat?  These are just silly questions from a mind that thinks it's in control and has been given too much control and is still functioning on beliefs.

The sudden realisation of the true self reveals events as they are.  It shows life in it's start, clear truth.

Life is what it is.  A piece of burnt toast is a piece of burnt toast.  There is no need to have mystery any more.


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